… So since the game was popular then why was it deleted/banned? Pokemon Brick Bronze was banned because it did not have Nintendo’s approval to make the game. It was essentially a Pokemon style game that someone had created in Roblox. Though there were some genuine beginners playing as Roblox guests, it was experienced Roblox players who used the guest feature to evade bans.

Why did Roblox remove guests? The main reason Roblox decided to remove the guest feature was because it was being used primarily to spoil other player’s enjoyment. Approximately 11,400,000 unique accounts played the game between Jand August 5 2018. Over its lifetime, the game had more than 79,000,000 play sessions, 421,000 favorites, and 104,000 thumb-ups.

The game was shut down on August 5th, 2018. A fan of Roblox games, wish_z began developement of Project: Pokémon on April 21, 2013.

Wish_z, formerly known as WishNite and wi_sh, is an American Roblox builder and scripter best known as the creator of Project: Pokémon and founder of the Project: Pokémon Community. Pokemon Fighters EX started as a passion project in late 2011. All of us Pokemon game developers have expected this since the shutdown of Pokemon Brick Bronze several months ago. What happened to the Roblox Pokemon game?Īs of earlier this morning, the copyright holders for Pokemon have issued a blanket take down of all Pokemon games on the Roblox platform. Midkip can defeat third gym easily too because water attacks are not very effective on him. Mudkip is water type pokemon and he will easy defeat second gym. When Mudkip evolves he learns ground attacks, ground attacks are super effective against electric.So you’ll need it if you want to easier beat first gym. What’s the best starter in Pokemon brick bronze? You must have at least 4 Gym badges to redeem It’s certainly one of the best-looking Legendary shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO and the games as a whole. Shiny Rayquaza is black and is a stark contrast to the usual green that players know. It makes the idea of a shiny Rayquaza that much more enticing. Is Rayquaza shiny?Īs always, there’s a limited time to catch the Legendary Dragon. Along with Kyogre and Groudon, it is a member of the Weather Trio. It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Rayquaza is a Dragon, Flying-type Legendary Pokémon from the Hoenn region.